2017年上半年,当代知名抽象画家吴少清(Peter Wu)先后在多个城市展出了他的最新作品,近期又在广东出展他的系列优秀作品。
吴少清 ( Shaoqing Peter Wu )当代抽象画家,1960出生于浙江温州,祖籍乐清。世界华人美术家协会会员、中国美术家协会浙江省分会会员。深造于中国美术学院,曾荣获北美亚洲艺术家协会杰出艺术家奖,现居住于上海和温州。
(作者吴少清 作品《三界系列1》150cm×150cm 布面丙烯 2016)
(作者吴少清 作品《三界系列2》三联画 70cm×160cm×3 布面丙烯 2015)
(作者吴少清 作品《三界系列3》三联画 50cm×160cm×3 布面油画、丙烯 2015)
(作者吴少清 作品《三界系列4》三联画 105cm×150cm×3 布面丙烯 2015)
(作者;吴少清 作品《三界系列5》100cm×150cm 布面油画、丙烯 2015)
(作者吴少清 作品《风月》三联画 布上丙烯、油画 100×44cm×3〔2012〕)
吴少清说“当我们寻找绘画的本质时就是在寻找自己,画面的空灵、禅意是我的艺术追求。” 在追求韵律上,吴少清有他的独到之处,他始终保持着厚重与轻淡、乖张与收敛之间的平衡,如同自然的一种浑象,你很难判断它的轻重与远近。近些年来,他多次参加了国内和国际画展,作品曾被美国亚洲文化学院及世界各地广为收藏,其中两幅当代抽象油画作品被美国“亚洲文化保存委员会”作为《为未来记录今天》项目特别表彰并收藏于美国国会图书馆亚洲馆。
(作者吴少清 作品《幻尘系列》布上丙烯·油画60×100cm 〔2010〕)
(作者吴少清 作品《风系列1》布上丙烯、油画 100×80cm 〔2012〕)
(作者吴少清 作品《移轴》布上丙烯、油画 140×160cm 〔2007〕)
(作者吴少清 作品《风动》水彩100×100cm)
(作者吴少清 作品《无题系列》布上丙烯、油画 59×58cm 〔2011〕)
(15作者吴少清 作品《幻影》之一布上丙烯油画87×62 )
2001年中外抽象艺术家五人展 ( 中国上海 )
2002年第六届国际艺术博览会 ( 中国上海 )
2003 年纪念中德建交三十周年,中.德艺术家九人展 ( 中国上海 )
2004 年纪念毛泽东同志诞110周年艺术精品展 ( 中国北京 )
2005 年当代艺术家联展 ( 中国上海 )
2006 年国际春季艺术沙龙展 ( 中国上海 )
2007 年在上海浦东锦绣路设艺术工作室 ,国际艺术博览会 ( 中国北京 )
2008 年迈阿密艺术博览会( 美国 佛罗里达 ) 。
2009 年“ 非凡艺术(Viva Art Icon .China) ”中国美术大赛( 中国北京 )
2010 年入驻上海浦西泰康路“田子房画家村” 设艺术工作室,举办个展
2011 年中国实力艺术作品展(中国北京)
2012 年全国九省市艺术联展(中国上海等省市)
2013 年前往美国艺术考察交流(纽约、费城、华盛顿、圣地亚哥等)
2014 亚洲当代艺术展〔香港〕
2015 年、2016年 潜心研修、创作《 三界 》系列作品
2017 年艺术厦门国际博览会〔厦门〕、艺术广东当代艺术博览会(广州)
Freelance artist Shaoqing Peter Wu was born in 1960 in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China. He graduated from China Academy of Art. He is a member of Zhejiang Chinese Artists Association and a member of World Chinese Artists Association. He was awarded as a distinguished artist by Asian Artists Association of North America. He currently lives in Wenzhou and Shanghai.
His recent collections are titled Origin of Three Worlds, which express a fusion of desire, form and formlessness , a fusion of the Heaven, the Earth and human beings , a fusion of the Universe and human spirituality as well as a fusion of macroscopic and microscopic. His paintings exhibit the uncertain while interrelated connection of truth and illusion in this mystic Universe and his effort to unite the perspectives of real world and the Universe. He explores deeply into the reality and the unseen of human spiritual activities and insists that there must be reasons behind them. With his own artistic language, he manages to deliver Zen Buddhism thinking in his works. Although he is not meant to be a philosopher, he tries to bring people to imagine the relation between the Universe and us, making people focused, liberated and transcended.
His collections Origin of Three Worlds are both specific and abstract. He translates time and space by mysterious lines and exquisite dots, reflecting the flowing, mobile and crystal Universe which is gigantic and sublime. He describes the Universe in such a magic way that he enriches our visual appreciation and spiritual imagination.
His art style changes as he grows. From late 90”s to early 21 century, his works were passionate and avant-garde. But his latest collections are sober and serious. He said, “ The Origin of Three Worlds collections is a part of my painting series Home Return. I find it is more and more important to think in Chinese way while creating modern art. “ Through his more than thirty years of artistic experience, he has successfully built his own religious belief, Chinese classic aesthetic and modern art theories into his collections Origin of Three Worlds.
Chinese American art critic Mr. Xiaoming Zhao, Chairman of China International Press, Chairman of U.S. Asian Cultural Academy, said, “ We can see not only space but also time in his collections. It is this very abstractive time that makes his works unique and alive, offering us a new and creative experience like Zen Buddhists. “ American art critic Musil commented, “ A foremost painter in his field, Mr.Wu has decades of oil painting experience. His abstract paintings present temporal illusion and distinct insights.” Mr. Wu has received acclaim from both critics and the public for his unique style and ideas. In recent years, he participated in many art exhibitions both domestic and abroad and his paintings were collected by U.S. Asian Culture Academy and many other collectors in the world. Two pieces of his abstract paintings were honored by Asian Cultural Preservation Commission for the special project of Record Today for the Future and were collected by Asian Museum of the United States Congress Library.
Exhibitions and Events
2001- International Abstract Artists Exhibition (Shanghai, China)
2002-The 6th International Art Exposition commemorating the 30th anniversary of Sino-German Diplomatic Relation (Shanghai, China)
2003- Art Exhibition commemorating 110th anniversary of Chairman Mao (Beijing, China)
2005-Contemporary Artists United Exhibition (Shanghai, China)
2006- International Spring Art Salon (Shanghai, China)
2007-International Art Exposition (Shanghai, China)
2008-Miami Art Exposition (Florida, U.S.A.)
2010- Viva Art Icon China (Beijing,China)
2011- China Art Exhibition (Beijing, China)
2012- National Art United Exhibition(Shanghai, China)
2013- American Art Tour (New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., San Diego)
2014- Asian Contemporary Art Exhibition (HongKong)
2015/2016-Completion of Works Origin of Three Worlds
2017-International Art Exposition (Xiamen, China)